Summer Golf Clinics
Summer is fast approaching and I am scheduling some Jr. Golf Clinics during June. Clinics will take place during the weeks of June 14 and June 28. They will run from 9:00 – 12:00 from Monday, June 14 – Thursday, June 17 (Raindate, Friday, June 18) and Monday, June 28 – Thursday, July 1 (Raindate, […]
Why Pay for Golf Lessons?
I teach golf to a lot of kids-hundreds over the last 10 years. I have never had anyone refuse to take lessons because fees were too high. I have always prided myself on understanding financial difficulties families may have and working with families to make sure they can “afford” lessons. I often offer an extra […]
Putting VIDEO
Check out this video for a few tips to help you cut down on those extra putts!